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+254 725 495 292
Visit Us Daily
Ndemi Road, Kilimani, Nairobi
Our Working Hours
Mon - Fri: 9:00 – 17:00 (EAT)
Cipher Taifa leadership consulting firm in the areas of planning and training.
+254 725 495 292
Ndemi Road, Kilimani, Nairobi
Mon - Fri: 9:00 – 17:00 (EAT)
411 University St, Seattle
We help your organization identify and develop leadership capability aligned to your culture and organization's priorities, and define the capability needed for critical roles.
We empower you to develop the capacity to influence others through inspiration generated by a passion that gives you a sense of purpose in life.
We assist you to pass on your success to the next generation by developing a successor through mentorship.
We offer custom-made seminars that will help you fulfill your potential through effective leadership skills training in areas like team building, strategic planning, vision execution, and more.
We retool you to have an identity and a strategy that will help you to achieve success in life and at work.
We help you to understand yourself by conducting a personal inventory of your personality to identify your strengths and weaknesses.
We assist you to realize your reason for being born to become effective and significant in society through purpose discovery.
We train you to develop your moral responsibility under pressure from adverse circumstances and difficult people through character development.
We help you to identify and define your core values as the foundation of your company culture.
Enterpriservice® – Biblical Entrepreneurial Leadership Training© (BELT) is an 8-week business leadership development experience that provides kingdom entrepreneurs a blueprint for significance in service through strategic enterprise development (#ServiceThruEnterprise).
Influencertificate® – Music Communication & Leadership Development Program© (MCLDP) is a 10-week experience that retools recording artists to become leaders who are ambassadors of integrity, hope, and prosperity in Africa (#InfluenceThruPurpose).